Subject: GIF: Basketry (R41 Color) Author: . Uploaded By: PC MikeW Date: 5/25/1993 File: REL_41.GIF (125095 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 471 Equipment: 340 X 480, 256 colors Needs: A GIF Viewer REL_41.GIF Woven Basketry Pieces (340 X 480, 256 colors) Basket Fragments Palm leaves First century B.C.E-first century C.E. Basketry remains of the plaited weave have been found in almost every site in the Dead Sea region, because of the exceptionally arid conditions prevailing in this area. Typically, baskets were composed of several elements coiled from the base to the rim. The wound plait was not sewn together but the rounds were corded together during the weaving. In the complete basket the cord is not visible, but forms a sort of ridge, running between the rounds. Each basket had two arched handles made of palm-fiber rope. 11Q Fragment A: Length 10 1/8 in., width 6 1/2 in. Fragment B: Length 8 1/4 in., width 7 5/8 in. Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (77, 78)